Maya Emotion Display

For happy I have tried to incorporate a very light impact with the ground almost like the ball is floating:happy ball gif

For angry I gave the ball a starting shaking reaction, and when it lands I tried to give it a more delayed push up from the ground:angry ball gif

For sad, I decided to do a suicidal ball…  I have nothing more to say…sad ball - what is life gif

The Writer’s Journey – Christopher Vogler : NOTES


“Tricksters serve several important psychological functions. They cut big egos down to size, and bring heroes and audiences down to earth. By provoking healthy laughter they help us realize our common bonds, and they point out folly and hypocrisy.”

“…comic relief. Unrelieved tension, suspense, and conflict can be emotionally exhausting, and in even the heaviest drama an audience’s interest is revived by moments of laughter. An old rule of drama points out the need for balance: Make ’em cry a lot; let ’em laugh a little.”

The Trickster is a catalyst character who breaks the rules of nature or of the God’s. Sometimes this character is sly and malicious but more often than not, we know these ‘tricksters’ to be foolish and often comedic characters with unintentional actions resulting in positive effects and a resolved story.

Loki- adds comic relief

Trickster hero-  “The modern version of the rabbit Trickster is of course Bugs Bunny. The Warner Brothers animators made use of folktale plots to pit Bugs against hunters and predators who didn’t stand a chance against his quick wits.”

However tricksters themselves can be outwitted and we see this as funny – tortoise and the hare

“The archetypes are an infinitely flexible language of character. They offer a way to understand what function a character is performing at a given moment in a story. Awareness of the archetypes can help to free writers from stereotyping, by giving their characters greater psychological verity and depth.”

The Ordinary World

 ‘ The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell describes the beginning of the typical hero’s journey. “A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder…” ‘

“The opening moments are a powerful opportunity to set the tone and create an impression. You can conjure up a mood, an image, or a metaphor that will give the audience a frame of reference to better experience your work.”

“ Today many elements go into making those first impressions before the book or the movie ticket is bought; the title, the book cover art, publicity and advertising, posters and trailers, and so forth. The story is cooked down to a few symbols or metaphors that begin to put the audience in the right mood for the journey.”

The Ordinary World in one sense is the place you came from last. In life we pass through a succession of Special Worlds which slowly become ordinary as we get used to them.

In comparison to the special world, the ordinary one may seem quite boring, but it holds the seeds of excitement that haven’t started yet. The Hero’s problems already exist in the ordinary world, and the special world is where they are remedied.

Call to adventure:

The objective of the adventure is sometimes referred to as the treasure, even though this may be non-physical, it could be knowledge.

The hero of the story is faces with a challenge to undertake, such as for Luke in Star War’s “ A New Hope”. Leia’s hologram message is what gives our hero the problem to face









… Maya… Oh s**t!

So, Maya for the first week was an experience… to me it’s like learning a new language, and in many respects that’s what it is; like the first time I ever tried out Photoshop, I have no idea where the tools are ..and there are so many!

Our first project on “Maya” was learning how to make simple shapes and animate them, which is what we had to do with a sphere and make it into a bouncing ball and also in our homework of making a more interesting bouncing ball.

We were taught about making the animation seem more realistic with using squash and stretch, but also learning how to lay out key frames and key select (which took me ages to figure out how to use…sad to say as its so simple!!)

… But for homework we were asked to go a step further and add in more than just one object. We were assigned into groups and were told to apply the same principles to our animations such as squash and stretch in order to make our animations:

Screenshot 2014-11-01 01.40

In my own animation I wanted to make it very fast paced like the beat of a heart (dum dum), therefore I made it 24 fps and made the ball look like it was being thrown at where the floor meets the wall, making it go from the air, to the floor ,to the wall, and bouncing off of that surface also into the air.

Creative Elements / Creative Enterprise

For our first proper animation task we were asked to create two images to represent their titles to put up onto the “Animation Belfast” course directory page. in our group we brainstormed the different ways in which we could represent these titles:

WP_002585 WP_002585,1

One of our main concepts was letting the two images flow into each other. one of my ideas was to have words and images flowing through the sea of thoughts such as cogs to show the brains working.This looked similar to sheet music to show the flow of ideas.
I thought about making a caricature of a business woman (who took the shape of Dolly Parton..assets and all) with lots of money (in various areas) to represent creative enterprise, showing how money can be made from creative ideas:
This is the idea which we finally decided looked best for creative elements to show the flow of ideas leading to something being created. When we were happy with what we were going to make, we divided the jobs up between us so that everyone’s strong points were used to make the final images and that it would be fair (the letters= our initials):


aidan - brainbox machine coloured,1(final image-Creative Elements)


However we did run into some issues with the creative enterprise image, as the “final draft” for creative enterprise seemed very bare to me so I addressed this issue with my other team mates via Facebook messenger:


So after speaking with them, Natalie and I figured that we should add extras to the background and foreground to make the image more interesting:


Once we had the idea, me and Courtney took it further and turned the world into a giant money box that through creative enterprise could be used to get money.

robot(Final image- Creative enterprise)


so…life drawing :P

Ok, i tried to be professional and everything but even i smirked a little when the clothes were dropped haha… told my family and they nearly wet themselves laughing!.. however, that being said, i did enjoy it and see the relevance of it!

WP_002690                                           WP_002696


Firstly, we were told to go an outline using “s” and “c” shapes, to keep our wrists loose,  and to not be too perfect in drawing what we seen in front of us because we just wanted a rough allusion of the person, which is useful for storyboarding to get points across.  Then we were introduced the the idea of what the internal shape of a person was, in this case a female human body, so in the second image the use of the triangles gives the idea of the torso shape, then those shapes were bulked out.



we were then introduced to the class skeleton (forget the fella’s name) but anyway the purpose of this was to show the bone structure. This was used in order to explain to us why the rough shapes such as the triangles to make up the female torso and the “s” and “c” curves were used for.



For homework, Mike asked us to think of perspective on a cube from a horizon line, as we will have to draw the same character from multiple angles in the future, and i found it hard, especially with using this medium to make the cubes all the same size as they were supposed to represent the same cube. i have put a “o” on the smaller ones and then a “x” on the two bigger versions i did to show they are different cube representations.